I am a fairly prolific user of social media. I am an active twitter user, involved in a number of online forums and a member of a number of professional groups that interact on Facebook. My online professional community one of my main methods of professional sanity and in addition, it helps me keep up…
Author: Principally Mused
The Influence of Law and Ethics – A Cautionary Tale
Tweet, like, comment, share, follow, unfollow, hang out, Skype, snap, chat, trend, connect, upload, download, instagram, pin, activate, login, create, consume, poke, hashtag, emoji, share, post, notify, message and code. The above is just a small list of ways to interact with social media, which,…
Cultural Responsiveness and Self Review
This post is quite timely. We are currently undergoing an in-depth review of all things bicultural at our place right now. A systematic, no stone left uncovered, review of all that we do, how we do it and how effective our ‘doing’ is. By knowing what we do well, we can strengthen this and learn…
A Col, Staffing and the Auckland Housing Market
Contemporary issues impacting on my practice: There are two contemporary issues in education that are currently having an impact on my practice. 1. Communities of Learning This issue is at the forefront of my current practice. It would be fair to say that I have had concerns about this policy from the offset, however, I…
Professional Communities and School Culture
School culture is a little like the proverbial iceberg (Stoll, 1998) – what you see on the surface is not necessarily representative of the whole story. Often what lies beneath is a complicated network of emotions, traditions, rituals, values and relationships that can be as tricky to navigate as the London underground system! It is…
Defining Practice
Thinking about my practice as an educator, and defining it, is an interesting thing to reflect upon. I thought it would be easy, after all, I should know what it is, because I ‘do it’ everyday, sometimes 24/7 according to those close to me! On the surface, I am a leader, a teacher, and…
Have You Ever Wondered?
Have you ever wondered about that random person, that one that you see as you go about your daily business? Have you ever wondered what their story is? What their dreams are? I am a wonderer. When I am wondering about people, I wonder how much of the story do we really know and if we…
ILE, the Curriculum and a Couple of Wonderings
Scrolling through the Mindlab Google+ community, I noted a post about ILE (Innovative Learning Environments) and an opinion piece in the PPTA (Post Primary Teachers Association) April News. ILE is quite the educational buzz statement right now. Leaders I meet are either in the “I have one” group, or “I want one” group, or the…
The Dream School – Perhaps you are already there?
This post is in response to the #EdBlogNZ March challenge of writing about your dream school. I have been thinking about this and reflecting on the challenge all month. Initially my mind went wild – and I conjured up all kinds of wonderfulness. It was interesting really, because as much as I can dream big…
What is in a Passion? #EdblogNZ
This is the EXTRA leap year challenge – to create a audio or video (I did both – sort of) post on something you are passionate about and add the transcript. Enjoy. …